Monday, December 28, 2009

Ask, Seek, and Knock...God's Good Gifts For You!

Why would we ever doubt that God has good things in store for those who come to Him continuing to ask, seek, and knock? Some people might say that the Christian life means less good things for them, or that it is hard, or that it is boring. Find out why the truth is the exact opposite of these false misconceptions!

Listen to it at, or CLICK HERE to download this sermon directly.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pressing In

This sermon is long overdue for posting, but hopefully you may still find it fresh and relevant. The Lord did amazing things during our mission team's 2008 mission trip to Paraguay. This teaching was a constant theme for us over our 17 days. We also saw great moves of the Spirit as I preached the message in both Encarnacion, Paraguay and Posadas, Argentina.

Of course, on the trip, I had Pastor Donald Franz doing outstanding interpretation for me. This particular English-only version of the teaching comes from our Mission Sunday service where we reported on our trip and shared the message with our home church.

Summary: Why be satisfied with low expectancy, low experience Christianity? How can we experience all that God has for us and not settle for anything less? As we truly experience the fullness of Christ, we will truly be the world-changing disciples Jesus called us to be.

You can listen to this teaching by online by going to my sermon homepage,, or download it directly by CLICKING HERE.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Search Me O God

Being searched is not something that most of us typically enjoy. But what is it that caused David to actually want to be searched by God? Psalm 139 reveals what David had learned about God to bring him to this point of asking God to search him.

You can listen online at my sermon homepage,, or download the MP3 directly by CLICKING HERE.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Legacy: Your Life's Indelible Mark

From September 20, 2009 at Memorial Presbyterian Church...

Every Christian can leave a tremendous legacy of impact by striving to leave the same indelible marks left by the Apostle Paul.

Download the mp3 now at: